After liposuction and tummy tuck surgery, the body attempts to protect itself by cushioning the surgical sites with fluid, often referred to as inflammation. This is a totally normal process, although it can be uncomfortable and oftentimes painful. That’s why lymphatic massage is an integral part of the healing process. But there are other things you can do to help speed healing after surgery.
Lymphatic drainage drops contain a variety of herbs that impact the body’s immune and lymphatic systems - echinacea, elderberry, plaintain and yarrow leaf, to name a few. Individually, these herbs help boost the body’s immune system and protect it from bacteria and germs. Combined, they are a powerhouse and go a long way towards speeding the healing process and moving fluid through the body’s lymphatic vessels and out through the urinary system.
Best practices for post-operative surgical healing:
be consistent with lymphatic massages (at least twice per week for first 2-3 weeks and weekly thereafter);
be consistent with wearing well-fitting compression garments (also known as a “faja”), at least 23 hours per day for at least 8 weeks; and
be consistent with water intake (I recommend my clients shoot for a gallon per day; you may not make it but if you come close, you’re good).
Adding lymphatic drainage drops can be the game-changer to shorten your healing process even more. I’ve been a Licensed Massage Therapist since 2012 and a Certified Lymphatic Drainage Specialist since 2019. And, full disclosure, routinely, I’m a big fan of any type of supplement that effectively boosts the systems in the body, since we can’t rely on our food to provide the nutritional value that existed decades ago.
Since I’ve been working with women (and some men) recuperating from cosmetic surgical procedures - everything from chin lipo to ab lipo to tummy tucks - I’ve been recommending Mary Ruth’s Lymphatic Support Liquid Extract to my clients for years. This brand has over eight thousand reviews on Amazon and my clients have all reported how it jump-starts their lymphatic system. The result is increased urinary output (which is essentially how the fluid leaves your body), and some even report it also helps them move their bowels better, which can be sluggish after surgery. If added to your best practices, it may help minimize inflammation after your surgery and get you through the healing process faster. An image is provided below. Happy healing!